Hey Friend! I’m Tara.
I love showing people how to design and live the life they want.
I knew I had to take a break.
I was burning out (before I knew what it was), and I was extremely unhappy at my job. I decided to take off to India for three weeks and find my Eat, Pray, Love moment. Turns out that doesn’t just happen. However, I did come back clear on what I wanted. That trip unlocked my deep desires.
I knew that in order to get closer to those dreams, I was going to have to have boundaries. It started with working from 9am to 5pm only. I started listening to my whispers. I came across coaching and I never looked back.
Now as a working mom, I work harder than ever to keep my vision clear, my values alive, and my habits in check. It’s the only way I can live with confidence and without guilt.
I learned that the simple things are what build strong foundations to living the lives we want.
I know right now it feels like you don’t have enough time, and there is no way you can take control over all that is happening in your life right now. That you’re frustrated, exhausted and don’t even know where you can start.
But if you’re ready to move to action because you’re sick of reacting poorly to what life throws at you, and you’re unsure where to start…
Well, that’s where I come in.
I can help you get clear, get calm, and get control. Are you ready to create some momentum in your life?
Take the first step, and book a complimentary discovery call with me today.